I’m not sure how to begin this narrative or where it will lead. I only know I feel driven to it. I’m watching my life whizz by–so many eras gone–high school gone, college gone, life with kids at home, gone. If I don’t write this, my life will be gone forever as soon as the last person who knew me is gone.Oh a few photos may linger on in the family photo album, but after all, what can you tell from a picture? I know, I know, “a picture’s worth a thousand words,” but whose words will they be? Probably my great great great great grand daughter with gold and green tattooed breasts (pierced or course) who looks up the ancients to check out the weird styles.
So what am I going to say to shake up the world–make my mark for all eternity? Hell if I know, but follow along–it might be worth a chuckle or two.